
Dialectical-Religion.org was found as a means to preserve, study, and develop the works of Rudolf J. Siebert, critical theorist of religion and society. Along with numerous books, over the years, Dr. Siebert has written hundreds of articles and unpublished book-length studies on a variety of subjects, including religion, philosophy, theology, psychology, sociology, ethics, and history. We hope to collect his entire corpus of writings in one central location in order to make them available to contemporary and future scholars. If you are in possession of any of Dr. Siebert’s writings, or audio/visual recordings, that are not listed in the publications page or are in the Audio-Visual Archive, please contact the website administrator, Dr. Dustin J. Byrd, at dustinjbyrd@gmail.com Please help contribute to the advancement of the dialectical thought of Rudolf J. Siebert.